Nurse Midwife Guide: How to Become a CNM in Connecticut

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Interested in upgrading your nursing career?

Passionate about joining the ranks of the highly skilled and respected?

Eager to provide reproductive health care for women, especially during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum recovery?

Well then, the Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) career is for you!

A job as a CNM ticks all the boxes:

Exciting. Check! 

Rewarding. Check!

Meaningful. Check!

While the benefits of becoming a CNM are many, the process of getting there is quite the opposite. Students often regard it as long and tedious, making it one of the harder careers to get into. 

But before you start worrying, hold on! We are here to help.

In this article, we’ve gone in-depth providing you with everything you need to know about becoming a CNM in 4 easy, yet interesting, steps.

Are you ready? Let’s jump into it!

How to Become a Nurse Midwife (CNM) in Connecticut in 4 Steps

Here are the four steps to becoming a CNM in Connecticut:

Let’s get into the details of each.

Step #1: Become a Registered Nurse (RN) 

If you are already an RN in Connecticut, you can skip this step and go straight to step #2. 

Nurse-midwifery is already an advanced field of nursing. This means that you first need to cover the fundamentals by becoming a Registered Nurse (RN). 

We have a more detailed article on how to become an RN in Connecticut, but we’ll cover some general guidelines here. 

Join a Nursing School 

You need to decide whether you will take an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). 

The BSN route takes four years to complete, but we suggest you go for this since most advanced practice programs require a BSN. 

Passing the NCLEX

Exams are important, but the NCLEX determines whether you can apply for an RN license or not. 

It is an MCQ exam with 100-200 questions focused on challenging nursing and healthcare principles. To pass, you’ll need to get 80% or higher, so study hard!  

Application Submission to the CBN

If you pass the NCLEX, then your license application will most likely be accepted by the Connecticut Board of Nursing. 

Just take note that you will also have to submit the following: 

  • ID Card or Social Security Number 
  • Provide evidence of valid working arrangements in the United States 
  • Official documentation from the Nursing Institution Program
  • Criminal background check

The result of the application will take around 2-3 weeks.

Step #2: Take a Master’s Degree in Nurse Midwifery

After becoming an RN and gaining experience, you need to undergo further training to specialize in nurse-midwifery. 

In your search for a Master’s program (or higher) make sure to choose a program or school that meets the Connecticut Board’s educational standards. 

It should be accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME). 

Yale University has an accredited CNM program and Fairfield University has an ‘initial accreditation’ status. 

There are also accredited online CNM programs that partner with local health institutions for the compliance of clinical hours. 

A master’s program has about 40-60 credit hours and about 700-1000 hours of required clinical work. 

Step #3: Pass the National Certification Exam for Nurse-Midwifery

The Connecticut Board of Nursing requires candidates for APRN licensure to have national certification in their specialty from an approved organization. 

The American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) is a national certifying agency for nurse-midwives. 

Those who want to take the National Certification Examination in Nurse-Midwifery can apply to the AMCB.

Aspiring nurse-midwives can start getting ready for this test by reading the Candidate Handbook

Candidates get four hours to complete 175 multiple-choice questions on a computer. Some test topics are:

  • Antepartum
  • Intrapartum
  • Postpartum
  • Gynecology

If you pass the test, the AMCB will give you a Certificate in Nurse Midwifery (CNM).

Step #4: Apply for Your CNM License from the Connecticut Board of Registered Nursing 

Once you complete your master’s or doctorate, it’s time to apply for your Certified Nurse Midwife license from the Connecticut BRN.

Unlike other states, the CNM license does not fall under the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) category. 

General Application Requirements

To apply for licensure, you need to go through the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

You can only apply online by using this link

Once you log in in to the website and make an account, complete your Nurse-Midwife License Application and attach a photograph. You will also need to pay $100 for the application fee. 

There are a few supporting documents that you will need to submit: 

  • Official verification of current certification from the AMCB
  • Verification of successful completion of at least thirty (30) hours of instruction in pharmacology for nurse-midwifery (completed by the dean or director of your CNM program
  • Verification of all RN licenses held, current or expired.  You can use the Nursys system or send the verification form to the state and request that they fill it up and send it back to the Board. 
  • If you are not an RN in Connecticut, you will need to apply for a license by endorsement since Connecticut is not part of the Nursing Licensure Compact. To do so, your RN school will need to send your official transcripts directly to the Board. 

All supporting documents sent directly from the source to the Board should be sent to:

Connecticut Department of Public Health

Nurse Midwife Licensure

410 Capitol Ave., MS# 12 APP

P.O. Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134

Phone: (860) 509-7603

Fax: (860) 707-1981


After completing your application it will take The Connecticut Department of Public Health around 3-4 weeks to send you a response. Keep track of your licensure status through the department’s online licensure verification portal.

Nurse Midwife with Furnishing Number 

If you’re looking to go the extra mile, consider getting your own furnishing number. 

What exactly is a furnishing number?

Well, it’s basically the ability to prescribe medication and drugs for patients. 

How can I get one?

You must complete a Board-approved pharmacology course and finish a minimum of 520 hours of physician-supervised experience furnishing drugs or devices.

Frequently Asked Questions about Becoming a Nurse Midwife in Connecticut 

Here are the most commonly asked questions on becoming a Nurse Midwife in Connecticut. 

Should I take a BSN or ADN? 

At the studying stage, making the right choice in terms of which course you would like to choose, either the BSN or ADN, is important. 

For starters, an ADN is simply a short, 2-year introductory course on nursing, while the BSN is a long, 4-year in-depth course on nursing.

While an ADN is pretty good, we strongly suggest that you take a BSN if you’re interested in specializing as a midwife or as any other advanced practice nurse.

How much does a CNM make in Connecticut?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a CNM in Connecticut has a mean annual wage of $112,960. However, this can range from $73,000 to $143,000 depending on factors such as your years of experience, the city where you work, etc. 

Wrapping it Up

A CNM is a challenging career, but it doesn’t mean you cannot become one. 

Understanding the process is already a big step in the right direction! 

Remember that you need to become an RN through studying, passing the exam, and getting some experience. After that, work on getting a Master’s. Once you’ve got that, take the certification exam, apply for licensure, and voila! You’re a CNM!

Yes, it will take a lot of time and dedication, but the rewards are worthwhile if you’re passionate about providing care for women and their newborn children.

We wish you all the best and hope this guide will help you achieve your dreams!

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