Types of Nursing Degrees

Confused which nursing degree to take? Here's a quick rundown of the common types and what they can get you! 


The easiest and fastest way to become a nurse (CNA). CNA is a nondegree diploma that only takes 4 - 12 weeks to complete


LPN education takes 12 - 18 months, and can be taken in vocational schools, community colleges, or hospitals.


The quickest way to get an RN license is by taking an ADN degree. You may take these in community colleges for 2 years.


A four-year course that's designed for RNs who want to take bigger roles and responsibilities. 


For nurses who want to become an CRNA, CNM, NP, or another specialized field, you'll need a masters degree! 


Super serious students only! Getting a DNP degree allows you to take leadership roles in the nursing industry. 
